

In the virtual world can suppose that as a field of endless money,''like''the field is how basic, actually had a lot of hidden treasures that can be dug and be possessed by those keen to see opportunities in it.

Although no denying that since the dotcom boom in the late 90's, many online businesses are uprooted. But the fact still prove that the virtual world with all the knick-knacks in it still had a lot of 'Mysteries' hidden and untapped.

One of the 'Miracle' is a virtual world there are many cash machines which can be obtained premises little capital mengelurkan or no capital at all.
Rice fields in the form of free websites or blogs that are readily available everywhere, man, just a few ways that can be done to mine money.

The fact that citizen media activists or bloggers can make money from the internet, perhaps hipotensis can justify this.
Henry Copeland, founder of BlogAds.com, saying that a blogger could be pocketing $ 2,000 to $ 10,000 / month from ads placed on blogs.
In fact, groups of Democratic and Republican Party in the United States, has paid bloggers tga in the election (Business Week, 11 May 2005).

There are so many business models emerging in cyberspace, so many people appear to be successful materially from the virtual world with a search engine, sell products or services online, advertise, blind blogs, and so on.


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